Shot by shot List
This is our initial shot list. However, we may change the order or framing of some of these shots.
Shot 1: Starts of black and then the background slowly fades in (white with black ink). First title appears on screen followed by other titles.
Shot 2: Hands adjusting equipment in the darkroom (close up)
Shot 3: The background slowly fades in (white with black ink). Titles appear.
Shot 4: Shots taken in the darkroom; using equipment- turns on the timer.(close ups)
Shot 5: The background slowly fades in (white with black ink). Titles appear.
Shot 6: Someone writing a letter (close up of hands). A fast cut to a girls eyes- lighter setting (black and white) and breathing sounds/ quick intake of breath.
Shot 7: The background slowly fades in (white with black ink). Titles appear.
Shot 8: The timer counting down.
Shot 9: Journal/book pages flicking, stops on some pages, newspaper clippings, writing, drawings.
Shot 10: The background slowly fades in (white with black ink). Titles appear.
Shot 11: Dark background. Candle wax dripping; flame on screen. Fast shots of her body/ parts of facial expression (lips/ eyes/ hair). Stamping the envelope closed with the candle wax.
Shot 12: The background slowly fades in (white with black ink). Titles appear.
Shot 13: The timer counts down
Shot 14: Photo developing in the darkroom (in the developer)- image starts to appear.
Shot 15: The background slowly fades in (white with black ink). Titles appear.
Shot 16: Pen dipping in water- ink running through
Shot 17: The background slowly fades in (white with black ink). Titles appear.
Shot 18: The timer counts down to the end.
Shot 19: Background plays in reverse really quickly- images flash on screen in reverse (not in chronological order) extremely fast.
Shot 20: Film title appears on screen (background black and font white)
Shot 21: A hand clamps on someone shoulder- close up on eyes, head turning around, loud gasp
Labels: Q1-09
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